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Joe Biden Inauguration ニュース記事


What you need to know ・President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris were sworn in at the US Capitol. Harris made history as the first female, first Black and first South Asian vice president. (省略) ・Meanwhile, Donald Trump is at Mar-a-Lago in Florida. He was the first president in 150 years to boycott his successor’s inauguration.

What you need to know の欄をつかって要点を読みます

① sworn について(原形 swear)

② the US Capitol /kǽpətl/

③ Harris made history.

④ Asian /éiʒən/

⑤ Meanwhile

⑥ at Mar-a-Lago

⑦ the first president in 150 years

⑧ boycott [US] /bɔ́ikɑ̀t/ [UK] /bɔ́ikɔt/

⑨ his successor /səksésər/

⑩ inauguration /inɔ̀ːgjəréiʃən/





【学校で学ぶ envy という単語について】 ● envy 意味 ➡ (動詞)うらやましがる (名詞) うらやましさ ● 発音記号 ➡ /énvi/  ● 音節 ➡ en・vy 「うらやましい」envyを使わない表現4つ I am so jealous. Great! Awesome! Lucky you!

【フレーズ】to each his own

英語便利フレーズ【to each his own】 ● 意味 ➡ 人それぞれ、人による ● to each their ownとも言えます。each to his own のように toとeachが入れ替わることもあり。 to each his own を使った例文 I would never wear pants that are this tight, but well, to each hi


発音に悩む英単語【facetious】 ● 意味 ➡ (形容詞) ふざけた、おどけた ● 発音記号 ➡ /fəsíːʃəs/  ● 音節 ➡ fa・ce・tious facetious を使った例文 Please stop being facetious. (ふざけるのはやめて。) He made some facetious remarks in the meeting. His boss

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